The Ethical Principal of Hospitality Manager

 18/04/2017  India  Vinay Kumar   Education  1886  0

Every field of profession has some ethical principle laid around to be followed. The field of hospitality wholly depends on customer satisfaction. Every employee in this industry strives to make the client or visitor feel warmly welcomed, valued and satisfied. If they feel their presence is not much appreciated and ends up dissatisfied with the service, it would mean a big black spot the name of the business. Hence, this field also involves some principles which acts as its rock.

A hospitality manager would be the person who actually runs the whole show. He co-ordinates between all of his team members, who belong to different departments of hospitality and also manages the working of the hotel or resort . Therefore, there is a set of work ethics he needs to incorporate in his job.


A hospitality manager supervises, coordinates and manages a whole team who work for a hotel or company. Therefore he is accountable any mistake that is encountered in the hospitality services, even if it was caused by any of his subordinates. He will have to be very vigilant about every service offered. He is also solely accountable for any decision made.


Well, this is an ethical ingredient to any profession. Just like all other fields, even hospitality industry has some commitment to make towards its customers. Here, they are committed to excellence. It becomes the work ethic of a hospitality manager to provide the best in every product and service they offer to their client and to put in their best for customer satisfaction.


Equality and fair judgement is another ethical principle that a hospitality manager needs to follow. He should always take unbiased decisions and be fair while making decisions. He should never make unfair use of power or try to hide or project a mistake made by himself or his subordinates. This equality should also be projected towards their customers; they need to be treated equally irrespective of their colour, race, religion or financial and social status.


'Honesty is the best policy' serves right in this field. The hospitality manager should serve his job honestly. He should not advertise or interpret any faulty or misleading information to his customers. He will be appreciated for his honest behaviour with clients as well as subordinates.


The hospitality manager should be able to hold up his and his firm's integrity through his actions even in the hardest of scenarios. His honesty and integrity will be an example for his subordinates to follow.


As he is the one leading the whole team, a hospitality manager needs to own leadership qualities. They need to be the role model for the employees working under them, by showcasing examples of responsible and organised nature.


Just like any employee in any profession , a hospitality manager needs to be loyal towards his company as well as the subordinates he leads. He needs to stay dedicated to his employer and also hold their information as highly confidential, even he decides to take up a job elsewhere.


A hospitality manager needs to show concern and respect towards their clients and subordinates. He needs to follow the ethical principle of being compassionate and kind towards the people they interact with while on their job. He should also be sensitive to the sentiments and opinions of his colleagues. He should also keep this in mind while making decisions that might affect others around him.

Reputation and morale

The hospitality manager is expected to keep up the reputation of the firm and be attentive of any wrong conduct. He is also expected to hold up the morale of his employer and also employee.


It is included in the ethical principles of a hospitality manager to stay trustworthy towards the organisation he is working for and also towards the employees who follow his orders and instructions. He should stick to their word.

These are the main ethical principles one must follow as a hospitality manager as the field is all about making people feel valued and pleased.